I'm excited about our upcoming road trip out to St. Louis! The plans have been made, the route is chosen, the drivers are ready -- we anticipate 18 hours of good company, interesting music and some fierce rounds of Catch Phrases and Mad Libs. As a chapter sponsor, I know I'm really excited about my students' presentations and the featured speakers, especially snagging a few new autographed books. Since I went to graduate school in St. Louis, it's also a sort of homecoming for me, so I'm hoping to go to some of my old "haunts" -- maybe the Art Museum in Forest Park, or a drive-by of the building where graduate housing used to be oh so many years ago. I think that a trip to The Hill is a must -- perhaps that's Cunetto's calling my name -- or maybe it is Amighetti's! Oh, or maybe a concrete at Ted Drewes Frozen Custard.
I love a good road trip, so I am looking forward to 8 hours of tunes and conversation. I'm really excited to present a panel with my chapter, as well as presenting my own papers and chairing a panel or two. And I think the Red and Black Gala will be an interesting change from the usual sit-down dinner.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the Convention! I've been fortunate enough to present in the past, so I have an idea of what to expect, but the five members from my local chapter attending with me this year are all new to Sigma Tau Delta. All the great plans like the dance and the gala promise to make this Convention one of the best ever. Also exciting, the line up of featured speakers this year really embody the mission of the organization. Not only do the writers themselves represent diverse cultural traditions and backgrounds, but their works do as well. It's going to be a good week.
ReplyDeleteI think we have a record number of students from our chapter going to the Convention this year --- 15 students and 3 faculty advisors! There is one crucial piece of information... all girls! So. One 15 passenger university van and one 5 passenger minivan + 15 girls = lots of luggage, no space and constant gossiping for 8 hours! I'm so excited!! Not to mention all the Convention events like the dance (sock hop?!), the red and black gala, the bad poetry contest, and the t-shirt skit. See you all soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to go. I'm the only one from King's College that will attend. We are located in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This is exciting for me because I am an adult student that has been exposed for the first time to loving literature and the arts. I guess I had to wait until I was in my 50s to begin my new journey. I will be presenting two of my poems and I have to say this will be one of the highlights in my life!! I also plan on visiting a few of the sights while I'm in St. Louis. I can't wait to meet some of you!